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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Welcome to the Jungle

My most excellent friend introduced me to the jungle juice today-- the idea, not the actual drink, sadly. As a fan of alcohol, in general, and punches in specific, I had to check it out.

Below I have copied the recipe. Looking it over, you got to believe that the liquor store would be delighted to see you coming. $ $ $ $

But the thing that really caught my eye was the number of servings the recipe makes.

Jungle Juice recipe

Scale ingredients to servings

Use a large container ie. ice chest or similar. Allow the fruit to soak in all the alcohol for about 4 - 12 hours. Add all the juice and let sit overnight. Serve the next day.

Yes, it says 1.

Can you say "alcohol poisoning." Can you say "fatal alcohol poisoning?"

But I still want to drink it.

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